Pick up at your hotel, spend your whole day with canyon tour which includes hiking, swimming, water sliding, abseiling and diving.

Before joining the official tour, go through a short training course conducted by Canyoning experts. Learn how to set the rope for the descent, how to abseil safely, and practice your first rappel which is an exciting 18 meters abseil, on a vertical dry cliff near a beautiful waterfall.

After that, head further down to the 3 meters cliff jump and the first water slide. Move on to the second dry cliff for 16 meters abseil. This one is a wonderful cliff for honing abseiling and jumping skills.

The water slide awaits you at the next stop (you can slide many times, slide all together and slide forwards or backwards).

After the crazy water slide, we take a walk along the river leading us to the biggest waterfall (25m) for some tougher abseiling through the water.

The Canyon tour finishes at the end of afternoon.

Tour info