This adventure trip is created to give adventure guest a flash back of the 500-year long age of pre-Angkorian and independent Khmer Empire under a single ruler and beginning what would later become known as the Angkor period. Pick up and leave hotel with your tour guide and driver at 7h00 and drive 50km to eastern side of Angkor Thom. Arrive top of mountain at around 8h3oAM then take five minute walk to visit reclining Buddha “Preah Ang Thom” (Post Angkor period 15th Century C.E). If you wish, you can spend few minutes taking a break before exploring National Park Phnom Kulen, the most sacred mountain in Cambodia. Drive to the village of Phum Thmei where we'll leave the cars. Continue trekking about 3km to visit the temple of Preah Kral pagoda. Continue two hour trekking up to the entrance of Prasat Rong Chen, the first mountain-temple built in the Angkor region. There, we will visit, amid a lush vegetation, several life-size animal carved into the stone. one of the highlights is a 4 m. elephant long by 3 m. high. Enjoy your picnic lunch. Return to Phum Themei to take the cars and return to Siem Reap after stopping en route in Phnom Kulen to visit the Reclining Buddha and, if time allows, we will swim in the waterfalls. Return to Siem Reap. What to bring: Bug Spay, long pant, sport shoe, sun block, rain coat

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